You will need
- - lemon juice;
- onion;
- - liquid detergent;
- - baking soda;
- - borax;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- - ammonia.
Of course, if the material is a brown spot or a hole, in this case, didn't help. In order to remove the random markings from the surface of the clothing will need to moisten the tainted place with fresh lemon juice. On top, apply icing sugar and leave to dry. It remains only to extend the thing in cool water, the stain should disappear.
Take of fresh bulb onion and cut it in half. Wipe out half the onions place markings on things. After that, wipe it with a solution of any liquid detergent. This can be liquid soap or liquid dishwashing. Thoroughly rinse the thing clean, cool water. But there is one drawback -- the color of the fabric after this treatment, can lose or change its color. It is possible to return if the wet stain with a weak solution of vinegar.
You will be surprised, but the scorch marks from iron , you can remove even on silk fabrics. To do this, make a kind of mush them baking soda and purified water. Apply the prepared mixture on the scorched place, RUB gently and leave to dry. The remains of the soda will clean off with a soft brush.
On linen and cotton fabrics, you can remove the markings with a solution of borax. Dissolve one teaspoon of borax in a glass of water, stir and apply the solution place markings on the clothes. Only need to wash the thing in warm soapy water.
To clean with plain things the scorch marks from iron, it is necessary to moisten it with hydrogen peroxide, in which you want to add a few drops of ammonia. Then hang the product on the sunlight – balcony or loggia.
If this problem affected the woolen fabric, then you need to first remove the stain by removing the top of the burnt particles. Lay the thing on a flat surface and gently satirise the stain with a damp cloth. If the cloth turns yellow, and the stain becomes lighter – continue with the experiment. Small markings often can get in this way. No need to RUB hard to avoid damaging the fibres.