You will need
  • lemon juice,
  • powdered sugar,
  • salt,
  • onions,
  • borax,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • ammonia,
  • vinegar.
The stain of iron on clothing can be removed using lemon juice and powdered sugar. Apply a scorched place the lemon juice, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Allow to dry. Wash clothing.
Wet the stain from the iron in cold water, then sprinkle with fine table salt. Hang out to dry in the sun. When the clothing dries, rinse it in cold water.
Use of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the product on the stain and leave to dry in the sun. Then rinse in cold water. Also get rid of the stains by using vinegar. They wipe the stain and iron very hot iron. To stroke should be through the fabric.
If stains were formed on the linen fabric, use a solution of borax. In a glass of water, take 1 tsp. of borax and mix thoroughly. Apply on the stain, then rinse, dry and iron.
Use onions. An onion cut in half, RUB the stain with a cut. Next, wipe Padalino detergent diluted in water. It is better to use liquid detergent for delicate fabrics. Rinse thing. Sometimes this procedure helps to change the color of the fabric. In this case, the spot should be wetted with vinegar diluted with water.
Also the stains from the iron can be removed using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Components are mixed, is applied to the damaged place, after which the thing is dried and washed.
If markings formed on the garment in viscose silk, use denatured alcohol. Stains on cotton fabric white color can be eliminated with the bleach solution. In a glass of water dissolve a few grams of lime and wipe the damaged areas. Next rinse.
Original look white clothes made of cotton and flax can also be retrieved using sour milk. Dilute the milk with water in 1:1 ratio, soak in this thing. A few hours later from spots, as a rule, not a trace remains.