Start with opening a terminal command line - first press the Windows key and click Run. If your OS version of this item in the main menu, use the hotkey win + r. Then type the three letters cmd and press the enter key.
Use to connect the network drive with the net use command. In this command, you must specify the letter you want to assign to the connected network drive, the network name of the computer on which the disk (folder, drive, etc.) physically located, and the name of the network resource assigned to the computer connected to the disk. For example, the connections folder with the network name sharedDocs, which is located on the hard disk of the computer with the network name mainComp, and assign the network drive letter G, you should write: net use g: \mainCompsharedDocs. Instead of computer name you can use its IP address. For example: net use g: \sharedDocs After typing, press enter and the network drive is connected.
Specify in the same command, the user name and assigned password if it is required to connect to a network resource. For example, if in the preceding step of the sample connect to a network computer mainComp requires a password myPass and it is assigned to user, myName, then the command should be add the u key number will be: net use g: \mainCompsharedDocs /u:myName "myPass".
Add a persistent key value is yes if generated by a command net use map network drive you want to automatically restore after the next boot of the computer. For example, a sample from the second step in this case should look like this: net use g: \mainCompsharedDocs /persistent:yes.
Use the delete key, if you need to disable the network drive. For example, the command net use g: /delete disconnects the disk G. To disconnect all network drives, use an asterisk instead of the letter: net use * /delete.