You will need
  • Internet access
If you remember the whole sentences and phrases (and even if you remember only certain words), you have a good chance to know the artist on the Internet. Open any search engine and type in the sentence from the text of the song in the search bar. You can also add to the query word lyrics, if you're looking for a song in a foreign language, or the text of the song"if the song is in Russian. Most likely, the search engine will give you a list of pages with the text of the songyou need. There should be the name of the song and name of artist. But this will happen only if the song is popular. If she has recently appeared or performer has a limited audience, this method may not help.
Another option is to ask knowledgeable people. Try to go to the forum of fans of a particular music style that belongs to the song, and ask if they know the song with these wordsmi. Will be helpful if you describe the sex of the performer, the manner and other details about the song.
If you hear a song on the radio, try to find it on the station's website or use the service "What song?" (for example, and It is desirable to remember the radio station and the time when the song sounded.
If the song is the soundtrack to any movie, then type in a search query in the form of "Nazvanijem + soundtrack" or "Nazvanijem + ost". You will find a list of songs that were heard in the film. To find the right song now is just.
There are English-language resources to search for songs: and Plug in your headset or microphone to the computer. On the website hit Record and start singing the motif song. In this case, the accuracy of hitting the notes is more important than the correctness of the words. When finished, press Stop, then Play. If a similar composition is found, it is played. On the website click on the " click and sing or hum. Water the motive then press Stop. Wait for the download found songs. In this resource you can also search in wordsm - Text.