Use hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate – moistened cotton wool in the solution, wipe the inside shoes. If at first the smell persists, repeat the process as many times as necessary.
Sometimes the cause of bad breath lies in the insoles and in this case, simply replace them by buying new insoles made of high-quality natural material that absorbs moisture.
You can also buy in a Shoe store a special deodorant that eliminates odors in shoes, but in order for the deodorant to really take some action, you need to wipe shoes from inside with hydrogen peroxide or manganese. Sprinkle inside shoes deodorant in the evening to overnight the shoes have time to dry.
Be sure to put your shoes in a place where it can be well ventilated. Also get rid of the smell will help you to a piece of cotton soaked in vinegar. Put the cotton wool in each Shoe, and after some time the smell will disappear.
Another method of controlling odors is a simple flour or soda. Pour it into each Shoe, and then a few hours later, vacuum shoes and carefully wipe the inside. Soda and flour absorb the odor. Instead, you can also use activated charcoal or sea salt.
Dry the shoes with a special electronic clothes dryer with ultraviolet radiation – this will not only eliminate odors, but also to get rid of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
Some types of footwear is helpful to rinse with warm soapy water and wipe clean then with vinegar. If the smell of vinegar is too strong, you can wash the shoes with soap and water repeatedly, and then dried at room temperature.
If the Shoe allows, you can wash it in the washing machine, for example, without fear you can wash sport shoes and sneakers.