Order of citizens ' appeals to the Supreme court of the Russian Federation requires a personal appeal to the reception with a ready-made claim application form and the courtbnyh documents. Their compliance with applicable legislation check the staff of the courtand before you make your claim for consideration. Therefore, the visit should be carefully prepared.
View and download the sample application for the invalidation of a normative legal act or other form of treatment available on the official website of the Supreme Court (link at end of article). On the opened page, select menu located to the right is a sample of the document. Complete, observing the requirements to the design of the courtbnyh documents, print and sign.
Pay thcourtestwenno duty. The size and order of payment is determined depending on the category of the case. Prepare the package the courtbnyh documents, the statement of claim for referral to the Supreme Court and receipt of payment of registration fee. In addition, for visiting the Reception, you will need documents proving your identity. So don't forget about the passport.
If you have questions on appeal to the Supreme court, ask for clarification on one of the phones.
Choose a time to visit the receiving the Supreme courtand, after reviewing the pre-schedule her work. Appointment in the Reception room of the Supreme Court does not exist, so you should visit and reception in these hours.
With the prepared pack , the courtbnyh documents and ID please contact Admissions Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to review your case. The staff members of the courtand will review your complaint and documents for compliance with the requirements of the procedural legislation and will inform further action.