Remember that the place replacing the old rights in new not depends on place of residence or County of residence. You can contact any division of traffic police in Moscow, which is responsible for granting of the new sample.
To change the preferred on Wednesday or Friday. As practice shows the work of divisions of GAI, these days fewer visitors than the rest. Don't forget that on Monday, the traffic police is not working – a day off. Better to come just before lunch. If you come to the opening, face already accumulated in front of the window queue. After a couple of hours it resolves, and closer to lunch, you can freely and quickly change the license.
To replace the rights you need to file in the appropriate box your chosen MOTOTRER the following documents: medical certificate on fitness to drive vehicles of the relevant categories, a copy of your passport and old driver's license. A medical certificate is required after passing the medical Commission of medical examinations of drivers in any medical institution, authorised to issue such certificates. 1 Jun 2011 for medical references are typed forms of a single sample.
After checking the integrity and authenticity of the documents you will be issued a receipt for payment of registration fee. Pay the receipt in any branch of Sberbank or via terminal directly to the traffic police. The amount of the application fee is 800 rubles. This also includes the cost of pictures that will make straight in the SAI.
You should not change a driver's license at the license of the new sample, if you don't absolutely need, and you're not going to drive abroad. You will save yourself a lot of time and nerves, because no matter what innovations were not introduced in public institutions, the bureaucracy remains Terry.