You will need
  • - vasoconstrictor drops;
  • - sea salt;
  • - aloe juice;
  • - tea tree oil.
Faster cope with the task vasoconstrictor drops. It is best to choose those that contain not only a substance that constricts blood vessels, but oil. Bury your nose no more than 4-5 times a day even if congestion appears more often otherwise there will be addictive and a chronically runny nose. For kids sell special drops, which should be selected in accordance with the age of the baby.
If drops do not help, then you have too much mucus in the nasal passages. Dissolve sea salt in warm boiled water (1-2 teaspoons per 200 ml of liquid). Stir, and if the crystals are not fully dissolved, strain. Rinse each nostril with a small enema or a douche. After washing out the mucus drip nose drops. Sea salt not only clears nasal passages but also kill harmful bacteria that cause the common cold.
Unfortunately, fast funds are only drops. But if you want it to cure a runny nose, use the juice of aloe. Bury several times a day aloe juice, and after a few days you will not think about the cold. Of course, the juice is bitter, but copes with rhinitis.
Lubricate the sinuses with tea tree oil. Will the inhalation of the respiratory tract, but due to the bactericidal action of the oil, the microbes will begin to die. Stuffy nose - swelling, which takes place after the cause, often having a bacterial basis.
If the runny nose has not passed, contact your physician. Perhaps it is caused by an allergen. In allergic reactions sometimes saves from a cold just one pill of antihistamines. A runny nose that persists for more than 5-7 days - an occasion to visit the hospital, not a stimulus to self-medicate.