Neuralgia is the paroxysmal pain or aching around the trunk of the nerve and its branches, which are accompanied by burning, numbness, tingling. Therefore, the intercostal neuralgia can be used not only in heart, but in the back under the shoulder blade in the back.
Neuralgia can be caused by very many reasons. This injury, and some medications, and exposure to heavy metals, bacterial toxins, and also diseases of the nervous system, polyradiculoneuritis, some infectious diseases, Allergy, immunosuppression, congenital abnormalities of the spine. Intercostal neuralgia can cause cardiovascular disease, hormonal disorders in women during menopause, metabolic vitamins, diabetes, and alcohol abuse. And that's not all causes of insidious neuralgia.
The pain in neuralgia is usually long – it does not subside even at night. Increases this pain when you change body position, feeling the gaps between the ribs, when walking, flexion and rotation of the torso, with a deep breath or exhalation, coughing, sneezing, and even agitated.
Heartache, on the contrary, the short-term. It passes quickly – within 3-5 minutes, and it usually eliminated by adopting the tablet of nitroglycerine or validol. Heart pain does not change with a deep breath-exhale, with motion and the change of body position. Heart pain may occur violation of the rhythm of the pulse, the increase or decrease in blood pressure.
If you often have pain on the left side in the region of the scapula, make a cardiogram. Sometimes to clarify the diagnosis also requires an x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging.
Neuralgia usually occurs in older people, when the above reasons for this disease are on the background of vascular changes. In children, this disease practically does not occur.