If you put on your favorite clothes stain pen, first of all clothes is to try to wash. Modern powders have a strong chemical composition, which can cope with many kinds of spots, and the manufacturers of the pens try to do the inks with the possibility of their removal.
If washing did not help, and the spot continues to show off on the clothes, you can try to reduce it with a stain remover. For the color of things, you can use "Vanish", and white is perfect "As". Pour the product onto the stain, leave for ten minutes then wash it powder with added stain remover.
If the stain is still there, you can go to any shop where salespeople will help you choose a powdered stain remover or stain remover stick.
Besides the factory tools, you can try to bring the stain and traditional methods. Take a little glycerin and apply it on the stain. Wait an hour and then wash the thing in warm salted water.
Another way to take a spot from the pen is to use sour milk. Pour warm milk into a bowl and put the thing in a few hours. After that, wash the garment in cool water with mild soap.
You can get the stain out and as follows: mix in a glass of water one teaspoon of ammonia and soda. Solution treat the stain.
With white fabric stain can be displayed with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (one teaspoon in a glass of water). The solution should be applied to fabric by using cotton swab.
Inveterate stains from ballpoint pens are removed with a mixture of ammonia or turpentine in the ratio of 1:1. After the disappearance of stain fabric should be washed in warm water with the addition of any detergent.
If all your efforts with the spot did not succeed, then do not worry. In the extreme case, the ink stain can be sew on appliques, which are sold in any sewing store.