You will need
  • - alcohol-containing liquid;
  • - a cotton pad or soft cloth;
  • soap and brush;
  • - lemon juice;
  • soda;
  • Sol;
  • - detergent for dishes;
  • - glycerin;
  • - ammonia;
  • - soft sponge.
If you dirty a ballpoint or gel pen and you need as soon as possible to remove stains from the skin, use a cotton pad moistened with alcohol, Cologne, toilet water or facial tonic with an alcohol content. Wipe the place of contamination. If you just failed to remove all the stains, repeat the procedure.
Instead of alcohol-containing liquids, use the soap and brush, lather brush, RUB hands together, rinse with water. Fresh stains from the handle easily removed, so if there is a problem, try to immediately wash the skin.
If the pen leaked in a leather bag, or you got a leather jacket, then immediately wipe the place of contamination with a cloth or soaked in alcohol-containing liquid. It is safe for all skin types, will not ruin its color and will not lead to the appearance of white spots. But this method helps only on fresh stains. If you immediately noticed the stains and was a lot of time, you will have to use other means.
Mix tablespoon salt with water, add 1 drop of detergent for dishes, put on the spot from the handle, allow the mixture to dry completely. Clean the cork with a soft sponge or brush, wipe with a damp sponge.
If the skin is light, then to remove ink stains, use glycerin or a mixture of glycerin and ammonia. Wipe the place of contamination, after a few minutes, wipe the skin with a soft cloth. This method is suitable for removal of contaminants from the handle only with light skin, as dark or colored surface can appear white spots.
You can also use a mixture of natural lemon juice and baking soda. To do this, sprinkle the stain with baking soda, drizzle with lemon juice. There will be a reaction in the form of hiss. The ink stain will disappear. If the stain has disappeared the color of the leather stuff, you can use the dye. Paint for leather are presented in the field of trade in a wide range, and you will be able to choose the color for any shade of leather products.
If your purse or jacket - a very expensive product, use the services of professional masters from the dry cleaners.