It is easy to understand that good advertising need a good place, that is, your website needs to be visited. The more Internet users have visited the resource, the higher its ranking in search engines, so you can ask more money for advertising. So, to get the profit from the site, it is necessary to improve his attendance, that is, to make the resource more popular. Promotion is a long and laborious process.
Is there a special concept ? SEO (English searching engine optimization), involving the promotion of the site to the top ranks of the results that search engines give to a particular request. In Russian it sounds like search engine optimization. So, to get income from website, you need the most optimization to master.
To get profit from the website, need to increase its compliance with a specific search query that is relevant. Search engines include sites in the search results in accordance with the citation index, for example, TIC (thematic index of citation) or PageRank (page rank). The first one is used by Yandex, the second ? Google. They show how important it considers your site a particular search engine. So, if you want to profit from the site, it is necessary to increase the TIC and page rank.
Your site to better match search queries, it needs to be convenient, that is correct (stylistically and grammatically) to arrange text, to improve its quality and quantity, structure and navigation of the site.
SEO-optimization involves the registration of the site in a separate directory – special information resources, which contains the sitex (description and links). Also the site can be registered in directories of search engines, the most popular of which are Yandex and Google. There is a method called link exchange. You can negotiate with the owner of another resource that is somehow related to yours, but not a direct competitor, and ask them to place your link on his website. In return, you agree to do the same. There are many other ways to promote the site, specify its name wherever it is, whenever possible, in social networks, media, blogs, etc. Your task is to maximize the rating of the website.