In that case, if the person doesn't want to work for someone to sell their work and to cooperate with an unknown "uncle", he creates a web project and tries to milk it for everything you can.

Advertising – this is exactly the same way to earn more, but not everyone knows that even the ad network can be of different types, usually there are three:

• Contextual advertising – the most profitable ads on web pages, it is most often used on pages that are created for ordinary users. It is placed on the page and it is connected mostly with the theme of the site. Advertising can include test, pictures or both. That is, for example, an article about mobile phones of Nokia brand, advertising will be linked to the sale of such phones.

Sometimes the creators of the site and anticipate others arising needs of the user, and create another ad, or give a link to the page where you can find out certain information.

On the Internet to provide such advertising can only Yandex and Google, so those wishing to advertise need to go there.

• Banner ads – an ad designed to complement contextual advertising, that is, to consolidate information. Many advertisers can contact the Creator of the site first with the question of contextual advertising, and then banner to the right, so to speak, on the spot, to offer some more information about the product or service. The income will depend on how generous the advertiser.

To advertise your website, show it in the best light, you can create a video for advertisers with its advantages, each advertiser will be glad that people took seriously, as if did not sound tautological, advertising your site.

• Teaser advertising is the most bothersome and sometimes even unpleasant type of advertising, most often it has a connection with stars, pressing problems, etc. and has a shade of "yellow" press. But for non-serious sites it can become the main source of income.

Earnings on advertising is considered one of the most profitable, as it will always and everywhere and someone will press this button to "just look". But, as in any other job, you should work hard in order to attract to your website advertisers.