Imagine your future car. And after fully draw it in your mind, transfer it to paper. The result is without a doubt may differ, have to be developed or on the contrary, something would be superfluous, however, you need a base, from which you could build, so it must be done.
Prepare everything you need: saw, hammer, maybe a jigsaw, paints, sand paper and of course paint. If you have anything lacking, or you feel that you need something else, go to the construction store and purchase everything you need. Consult with the seller, tell him why you are buying equipment, he might be able to recommend a more suitable product at a more attractive price.
Prepare material. You also can either by fully or partially use utensils. For example, unwanted old cupboard, chair, drawer, and indeed, anything made of wood and has long been unusable. Break and do not regret, but break it gently, not to hurt, because maybe - is the future the door of your Mustang.
Start building. The car looks like, you know, and the construction of the main frame it is unlikely that you will cause trouble, but remember the comfort and convenience. Legs don't have anywhere to hang back, and elbows do not need to meet noise during "driving".
Decorate the caras you see fit. Perhaps you have some old wheels that can be used as an additional device, or unnecessary exhaust. These things add realism to your building and thus raise its aesthetic appearance.