Try not to dwell on thoughts of a long separation. From what you're feeling sorry for yourself, to suffer and to think about the long, lonely days, absolutely nothing will change. The service guy in the army isn't the end of the world. Much worse it would be if you broke up forever because of petty quarrels. Think about your young man, because it will be much harder away from the usual life and family.
Look at this breakup as an opportunity to test the strength and sincerity of your feelings. Maybe this ordeal will make you even dearer and closer to each other. Both of you will understand what it means separation, and learn to appreciate any minute that we spent together.
At a distance, you will be able to write long letters, by which even better get to know each other. People are not always able to fully amritsa in person, to talk about their true feelings or dreams. In letters to do it sometimes much easier. Maybe with them you will discover in your guy.
Just don't be disappointed if your favorite won't write to you too often. Understand that that you have to write the message there is a lot of free time, and in the army it is not there. And describe there is nothing special – each day is like the previous one, and to paint their feelings and experiences in a few pages will not every guy.
To make it easier to get over a breakup, it is possible to bring any meaningful goal you want to achieve for the coming of the guy from army. For example, to make your figure more chiseled and taut, to face the beloved in all its glory. Or to learn for the year of foreign language.
Get yourself an interesting hobby, good that free time you now have will be more. Take, for example, dancing, go to the gym or in the pool, enroll in a photography course, learn to play the guitar or drive a car.
Not to withdraw into themselves. Separation is hard, but you shouldn't exacerbate that feeling, sitting every day at home. Walk with friends, learn, have fun, and you will see how quickly and quietly fly this year.