To rent housing in the private sector, in the Lazarev in advance. Search query in your browser you will find a lot of offers. Housing can be of different class: Deluxe apartments and common, private mini-hotels, houses, rooms. Accordingly, the rate may fluctuate from a few hundred rubles to 1.5 thousand rubles per person per day.
Read the reviews of those who have already been to Lazarevskoe in the previous seasons. As a rule, if the guests are not satisfied, an unsatisfied tourist will not miss the opportunity to speak about his offense. Select the addresses listed on the website, those houses or apartments that are not near the main highway. In the summer it is constantly congested with traffic, and residents of nearby houses suffer from the smell of exhaust fumes. To check where is the place for Yandex.Maps showing all streets and house numbers.
Contact the owners of rented rooms on the Internet or these phones. Specify the rate. It is best to know if you have the opportunity to cook in a dedicated kitchen with all necessary utensils. This will help you existence and will save a lot of money on food.
To reserve a room, room or apartment in advance, so that later in the season, did not have to run through the streets of the village in the search space. Of course, you will have to transfer to the owner any sum as an advance payment. Do not take the money to get the place when you arrive on vacation. Find out from the owner – many of them provide a service for meeting and transportation of guests arriving in Sochi and Tuapse.
To remove housing, if you have not turned this in advance, you will be able, having arrived in Lazarevsky and by calling the service on reception and accommodation of guests. Her kiosk is right next to the train station and bus station in the centre of the village. In addition, there is a chance that the platform you are greeted by a gaggle of grandmothers, offering their services on location. But in these cases the probability of successful placement is significantly reduced.