Ectopic pregnancy – the phenomenon rare, constituting approximately 1-2% of all pregnancies. Most often it occurs because of dysfunction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions and obstruction. The risk group also includes women who have had genital infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, endometriosis. All women who have an increased chance of an ectopic pregnancy, you should visit the gynecologist at the slightest suspicion of pathology.
In the early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are no different from uterine signs: the woman and there is a delay of menstruation, swollen Breasts, somnolence, nausea, weakness, etc. to Determine whether uterine pregnancy, doctor can.
Analysis for the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin also identifies it as a uterine and ectopic pregnancy. But if the concentration is somewhat lower than assumed at the time, the doctor may suspect a pathological pregnancy. Sometimes in this case this hormone is so small that home test it does not respond.
Quite often ectopic pregnancy in those days, when he was supposed to be menstruation, spotting, that is a consequence of the reaction of the endometrium to the fertilized ovum in the fallopian tube. This symptom is sometimes confused with menstruation or miscarriage.
Suspect ectopic pregnancy can be unusually scarce or come with a delay of menstruation. In this case, make the test for pregnancy or analysis on HCG. And if the result is positive – refer to a gynecologist. He likely will undergo more tests to determine the increase in HCG. Uterine pregnancy, the amount of the hormone doubles every two days. If it is not happening – pregnancy, possibly ectopic.
Ultrasound examination can identify uterine pregnancy when the HCG level 1800 Chalk (in the period of about 5 weeks). If the hormone the fertilized egg in the uterus is not visible, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is very high.
If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy the woman's condition worsens, she is scheduled for a laparoscopy. For this survey, internal organs are inspected with a thin telescope. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the fertilized egg is removed.
Fortunately, with the help of laparoscopy is very often possible to preserve the fallopian tube that allows a woman to expect a normal pregnancy in the future. To increase this probability, prior to the planned conception is advisable to get tested this method again to determine the status of the pelvic organs and fallopian tubes.