Often Echinacea is used to strengthen the immune system, prevention and treatment of colds and bacterial infections, and as antifungal agents. In addition, decoctions and infusions on the basis of this plant is prescribed for depression, physical and mental exhaustion and fatigue. Effective Echinacea in the treatment of nonhealing ulcers and wounds, as well as in the postoperative period.
For colds, inflammation in the recovery period after illness, surgery or chemotherapy drink tea made from Echinacea. For its preparation you can use as the flowers, leaves and roots of plants, and a mixture of them. Two teaspoons dried chopped herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Let the tea should steep, then drink the resulting beverage. In the preventive purposes it is sufficient to use it once a day. But if the tea is used to treat, the multiplicity of its ingestion need to be tripled. Continue treatment for one month, then take a two-week break.
A decoction of Echinacea is used in more serious cases: peptic ulcer disease of the stomach, dizziness and joint pains. Well it helps with swelling. A teaspoon of fresh or dried herbs pour a glass of water and heat in a water bath. After the liquid starts to boil turn down the gas and within 15 minutes let it cook gently for the broth under the hood. Strain and cool it. Drink one third of a Cup of broth before each meal. The course of treatment is 10-21 days.
The infusion of Echinacea is used to enhance health, treatment of diseases of urogenital and metabolic disorders. Pour a pint of boiling water three tablespoons of Echinacea flowers, cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Pour the liquid into the thermos and leave it in for 3-5 hours. Strain the infusion and for better taste add honey, sugar or berry juice. Drink the infusion three times a day half a Cup.