You will need
  • - dry raw material;
  • - capacity;
  • - boiling water;
  • thermos;
  • - dining room and a tea spoon;
  • - alcohol.
Corn silk contain fatty oil, bitter glycosides, ascorbic acid, pentosan, quercetin, nicotinic acid, vitamins, Biotin, isoquercitrin, which allows their use in various diseases.
Widely used corn silk for diseases of the urogenital men and women, as a choleretic, anthelmintic, diuretic. In kidney stones, with stones in the gall bladder, in the bladder, as a means of reducing appetite when dieting and losing weight, for bleeding due to reduced blood viscosity. As a means of encouraging the normalization of sleep and mood, with involutional depression.
For the treatment is used infusion, tincture and decoction of raw materials. To prepare an infusion, you need 3 tablespoons dry raw pour a two-liter thermos with boiling water. To withstand 3 hours, strain, raw materials squeeze. Take 3 tablespoons 4-5 times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals for 3-6 months.
An easier way is to brew one teaspoon of the crushed raw materials in Cup of water for 15-30 minutes, drain, squeeze. Take 3 tablespoons 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
The broth is made in a water bath. For cooking you need to pour 3 tablespoons of raw materials in two liters of boiling water and put in water bath for 30 minutes. The broth is cool, strain, squeeze out, bring to a volume of 1.5 liters. Apply 3-4 tablespoons of 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 6 months.
To prepare the tincture, you need to fill in the dark capacity of 20 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 1 liter of rubbing alcohol, to insist 40 days, strain, squeeze. Take 40-50 drops 4-5 times a day, store in the fridge. Tincture helps to organize the work of the liver, to get rid of stones in the liver and gallbladder.
In addition to the testimony, when taking corn silk there are contraindications. They cannot be applied with increased blood viscosity, predisposition to thrombosis and reduced appetite.