Learn the history of the issue. Even if you don't gather anything useful, at least will have fun reading about old rituals. Before the groom did not go to future in-laws on their own, were sent instead themselves matchmakers, who touted his dignity and peppered it with pregovorima type "you have the goods, we have - merchant". If you believe in the sense of humor of the parents of the girl, can joke to take advantage of this and other old phrases.
Discuss with the bride beforehand how and in what situation are you going to ask her parents. If funds allow, book a table at a cafe or restaurant and invite back future mother-in-law. If you have to do the economy version, declare to them that come to visit.
Prepare gifts for her future in-laws. Ask your girl, what better than to present her parents. Always appropriate to be a good alcohol (wine for the bride's mother, brandy for father), flowers for the ladies and maybe some sort of souvenir into the house. A specific effect on the older generation will produce an engagement ring that you will wear to your bride on the arm when you get consent for the marriage. This ring can be with precious stones or without, but always Golden.
In a solemn ceremony, at the table, stand up and call my name to the girl's parents. Tell them you love their daughter and want to marry her and ask their permission. You can use the classic appeal to the father of the bride: "I Beg of marriage of your daughter".
After is answered in the affirmative (according to tradition, the father should take her hand and put her palm in the open hand of the groom) , tell the parents a little about the wedding that you are planning. Agree on the next phase of the engagement: meeting the bride's parents with your parents, if they haven't seen each other.