Determine for yourself the main objective – what you decided to lose weight. Or for whom. What motivates you? Health problems or dissatisfaction with their appearance? Inferiority complex or regret that you don't fit into your favorite jeans? Your beloved makes a claim to you or a hindrance to the work? Ask yourself sincerely and consider whether the incredible effort and sacrifice that goal. If your decision stands, then lift the objective in the slogan each day.
Indicate the proportions you expect to achieve through dieting or fasting. It can be your own photos when you were slim or at least without extra pounds (every woman there is a photo where she would have liked herself). The hang in a prominent place – above the bed, the mirror in the bathroom, in the kitchen. If not your photo, look in glossy magazines, the picture with a slender girl that you would like to be like. If you are uncomfortable to put the picture in a prominent place (shame to her husband, children, parents), put it in your Desk drawer or just in my pocket and from time to time get. Look at the photos will definitely convince you not to snack once again with tea and cookie.
Keep a diary. In the computer, in a notebook. Divide the page in half. One half what are the (relatively) "Pros slim" and the other "Cons". Write both entries in your thoughts. Write honestly, openly, to the intimate details (it's more no one will read). You can start with the banal "slender easier gait", and "Full of hard to pick up clothes" to outright "Slim energetic in bed", "Full sweat a lot and stink".

Determine where the diary records, "I Want...": buy some tight sweater, new outdoor swimsuit; to prove to my husband that I can, when I want, and let him not mocking me; to surprise colleagues, friends, neighbors; to come to the reunion did not changed during the last 10 years...

Write in your journal anything you want, as long as it supported you in difficult times dieting (and they will), reminded of your goal. And, of course, diary entries need to record your details – weight, waist, hips, chest. The main thing - to endure the first days when the numbers don't change. After a week of your efforts, they start to decrease and your motivation to lose weight will be doubled.
Control your emotions. Remember the good old Dale Carnegie: "Two men looked through prison bars: one saw mud, the other stars". Really, life for each person is what he sees: if he feels that everything is very bad, then it really all is very bad. Do not take the process of losing weight as a punishment, violence, dark and unhappy period in your life. Perceive it as a path to health, to harmony, to a new life where all will be well.
Search for pleasant moments in the process of weight loss. Visit bath, sauna, massage, Spa treatments, beauty salon – all you need to afford. These activities will help to relieve you the physical and nervous tension, brings comfortable feeling. Then the annoying side (not the cake, cookies, favorite cookies) you will not perceive as painful.
Visit a psychologist if you have such an opportunity. He will teach you the special facilities, will give you the training will introduce people who have similar problems. Well attend the General meeting of associates - collectively is always easier to lose weight, there is an incentive to appear more successful than others in the process of losing weight an opportunity to demonstrate their indomitable willpower and desire to win.