Write a message with your e-mail box with a brief note in the subject about the reason for writing. Send it to the following address of the public reception office of Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the Central office of the liberal democratic party If you don't want to write the message from your mailbox, go to the website of the liberal democratic party, in the horizontal menu, select the "Contacts" section. In the window that opens, use the link to send a message to the address of a public reception.
Refer to the instruction manual of the liberal democratic party in the message on paper. Put the paper in an envelope, make sure it has a stamp needed to send messages through the territory of the Russian Federation. Send an email at the address: 107045, Moscow, Lukov pereulok, 9. This is the address of the public reception of the Central office of the liberal democratic party.
Please visit the official website of the liberal democratic party, in order to find the contact information of regional offices in which you want to write. Note the horizontal menu located on the home page under the emblem of the party. Hover over the second item in this menu "Batch". On hover you will see a pop-up submenus, which include the program Charter and the anthem of the liberal democratic party. In this line you need the item "Regions", it is the third on the right. Click on it. On the opened page you will see a list of subjects of the Russian Federation in alphabetical order. Select the desired region. On the page of the desired territorial branch of the party find the actual address in the administrative center of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the e-mail address. For example, in the Kirov region you can write a letter to the coordinator of the regional branch of the political party LDPR Metelevo Vladimir and send it to the address 610017, Kirov, Oktyabrsky prospect, D. 90. An email can be sent to