You will need
- - solder POS-61;
- - flux;
- - soldering iron with a capacity of at least 100 watts;
- - fine emery sandpaper,
- - solvent;
- - rags.
Start soldering the gas column with preparatory work. Purchase exclusively solders brand POS-61, as with other solders are more difficult to perform the soldering of the copper tubes. They are less fluid, more refractory, and their structure is worse. Perfect wire solder, sometimes it happens with a rosin content.
You'll also need flux, just choose the one on which stands the inscription "do Not require cleaning, does Not contain acid" or "Corrosive passive". This will save you from problems with the repair of gas columns. Prepare the soldering iron 100 W, clean it from the old tip burned-out flux.
You'll also need flux, just choose the one on which stands the inscription "do Not require cleaning, does Not contain acid" or "Corrosive passive". This will save you from problems with the repair of gas columns. Prepare the soldering iron 100 W, clean it from the old tip burned-out flux.
First drop in the heat exchanger water. Open the hot water tap in the sink, while Unscrew the flare nut from the pipe, feeding the cold water. Because of the difference of water levels in the gas column and in the kitchen tap water from the column will drain down. The remaining water, blow out with a compressor or a vacuum cleaner, as it will complicate the heating in soldering copper pipes and even a powerful soldering iron.
Abrade with fine emery cloth soldering of the gas column. Usually at the seat of the fistula, the copper is oxidized, there is a characteristic spot poisonous shade of green. After cleaning with emery cloth carefully wipe the surface with a cloth with a solvent that removes grease stains and dust.
Wrap the pipe with rags on both sides, that it is less cold, and it was possible, not burning, to hold her hand.
Wrap the pipe with rags on both sides, that it is less cold, and it was possible, not burning, to hold her hand.

Well saludito the soldering. Smear it with flux. Quite a heated soldering iron is put in the solder, and drag it to the place of soldering. The solder will flow from the soldering iron into a copper tube firm connection.
If the solder does not spread and harden, take the following measures. Using the torch heat up the soldering of copper pipes. Muffle this place a thick rag, heat the soldering iron up to 180 degrees and try again to heat up the solder. Repeat the procedure several times. Sooner or later the pipe warms up, the solder will melt.
If the solder does not spread and harden, take the following measures. Using the torch heat up the soldering of copper pipes. Muffle this place a thick rag, heat the soldering iron up to 180 degrees and try again to heat up the solder. Repeat the procedure several times. Sooner or later the pipe warms up, the solder will melt.

Solder a wire or patch the same way. Apply the patch, soldering iron warm the tube, if necessary, add solder. As soon as the solder evenly fill the seam, remove the soldering iron. Repair of gas columns over. After everything has cooled, you can pump water.