Pike has a special and unique taste which should be able to save when cooking.

To prepare you need:

- a pike weighing 1 kg;

- medium follicle;

- carrots – 2 pieces;

- vegetable oil for frying;

- wheat flour – 2 tablespoons;

- sour cream – 3 tablespoons;

- spices to taste.

A dish of pike should prepare in a particular sequence, then the success of pike stewed with vegetables is guaranteed!

1. Thawed pike cleaned of scales and entrails. Removed the tail and the head and part of the loin is cut into pieces with a width of 3 to 4 cm. Each piece is rubbed with salt and pepper, placed in a deep Cup and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. As soon as pike is salted, you can start frying.

Roasting is a prerequisite of fish covered with a crispy tasty crust that keeps all the juice of meat inside.

Each piece pike collapses in flour and fry in a bowl multivarki in the mode "roasting". Once all the pieces are fried, put them in a bowl and cover with a lid, so the fish gets cold.

3. Onions and carrots cleaned and finely linkouts. Then fried in vegetable oil in the bowl multivarki also in the mode "roasting". Fried the vegetables until they are soft.

4. On top of the fried vegetables, put crispy pike, spread sour cream and add a little water. To add salt and pepper to taste, close the slow cooker and set the mode "stewing" about 45 minutes.

Pike stewed with vegetables in sour cream can go as a main dish with any side dish of cereal, sprinkled with finely chopped greens.