
During pregnancy women changes in hormonal levels, resulting in a change of the emotional state: irritability, mood swings, the appearance whims. Man it is hard to understand such changes, because he is never experienced, and will not be able to experience. Because of this conflicts arise, not a solution which leads to a more global family issues.

To resolve this problem is not so difficult: you have more time to devote to talking with your partner (whether male or female), to share their joys and experiences.

Poor health

In the period of carrying a child, a woman experiences a number of physical and physiological changes: increase of weight, the metamorphosis of the body, edema, increased urine output, problems with emptying, etc. At the time, male such changes on themselves is not, so the whims and experiences of some women to him incomprehensible.

Solution: tolerant to relate to the experiences of women, support it.

The lack of intimacy

We all know that during pregnancy not only as women, but her figure is changing: someone gaining 10 kg during the entire pregnancy, and someone all 30! The woman believes that she is less sexy and desirable to their men during pregnancy, so experiencing discomfort during sex. At the same time, many men believe that sex can harm future baby (which, of course, is not true), why a woman may consider themselves unattractive to their partner.

Solution: words of love and compliments his woman will help to eliminate frustration about the changes that have occurred in the period of carrying a baby. Consultation with a doctor about sex during pregnancy.

Participation in the preparation for the birth of only one of the spouses

For anybody not a secret that in preparation for the birth, as a rule, deals only with the expectant mother. What is included in training? Shopping for clothing, furniture and care items, as well as, most importantly, a visit to a gynecologist. Even at such moments a woman needs to feel the support of the future father who could look at many things differently to calm and reassure his wife.

The solution: the participation of men in all the preparations for the advent of the newborn.