Now you can sit in the car to take a few steps and get back in the car, however, can and does to food in a couple of clicks on the website of the online store. Work, as a rule, also does not imply a particular physical activity. The same fate of the rest of modern man, who often adopts the horizontal sofa.

A sedentary lifestyle is inevitable the scourge of our time! About him constantly warn doctors, it entails different types and degrees of diseases of the spine separately and musculoskeletal system in General, impaired vision, pain in the head, hemorrhoids and weight. However, no matter how threatening and impressive as this list, no matter how warned the Ministry of health, few of us can greatly change your life. Therefore, we offer ways to significantly improve the quality of your health without causing irreparable damage to comfortable and familiar way of life.


Arm fitness for home! The Internet is full of information about the different complexes of exercises at home or even office environment. Pick the most suitable to you and use during breaks at work or watching TV.

To start... set... go! Run. Run in any situation. Hate elevators, and love the stairs, go to the far shops, find their own ways every day to make himself useful running errands."

Dance! Dance heals not only the body but also the soul. Often turn on your favorite music and let your body go crazy. This method will not only lead you in the best shape, but will charge with positive emotions.

Sleep – also contribute to the health! Sleep quality, of course, depends on the bed where you sleep. The mattress should be moderately hard and the pillow not to disturb the physiological curvature of the spine.

Pay attention to the workplace. The chair in which you spend the day, must have the correct configuration. For reference you can take the model of the car seat.


Massage is a wonderful and pleasurable way to relieve musculoskeletal. About massage and its effect on our body can be a long time to write, perhaps each aware of its use. We only note that ideally, you should take a course every three months, but not less than once every six months.