The main reason for accumulation of fat lies in the failure of the excretory function of the body. The following causes of accumulation of excess weight are hormonal failure and diabetes. In all these cases the flax seeds for weight loss in the form of decoctions, contribute to the normalization of blood sugar levels, the release of the body from the accumulated harmful substances and excess fluid. The seeds can be used in a very powdered form. The thus obtained Flaxseed meal to add to porridge, soups, dough, meat and other food. Ground seeds are better absorbed in the digestive system, but it is necessary to grind them just before use.

Tips for use

The seed tends to swell once in the stomach, creating the effect of fullness. This allows you to eliminate the habit of overeating. While the seeds should swell in the stomach, so they should be consumed in powdered form, and drink plenty of fluids. To improve taste you can add honey or jam in a ratio of 1:1.

In order to avoid poisoning is not recommended to exceed the daily dose of the seeds, which is four tablespoons (50 g). Besides, after two weeks of taking this product, it is recommended to do a week break. And after three months of use to rest 30 days.

Recipes for weight loss

Whatever the widespread use of this useful product, yet the people are mostly familiar weight loss with flax seeds rather than its other use. Through its contained acids, activates cells, is the fat burning and retain a normal weight.

There are many different recipes for funds. You can even just chew flax seeds to eat, so there will be an acceleration of metabolism, and can be consumed flax seeds with yogurt for weight loss.

The essence of this method (duration 3 weeks): afternoon snacks should be replaced with 1 tsp. of crushed seeds mixed with a Cup of yogurt (200 ml). This scheme is valid for a week. With the onset of each new week you need to increase the number of seeds in one spoonful. Yogurt can be replaced with a natural yogurt without flavorings.

From seed you can prepare a decoction. For this you need 1 tbsp of the product pour boiling water (200 ml) and cook on very low heat about 30 min. Seeds need to be stirred. After cooking, the broth needs to cool down. To use it you need before eating (100-150 ml).

The easiest way to make an infusion of flax seeds – pour 1 tbsp of the product is 0.5 liters of boiling water and give in for the night to infuse the mixture in a thermos. 100 ml of infusion should be taken before eating.

Thanks to the use of this method of diet will strengthen the body, but we should not expect too fast of weight loss. In addition, that rapid weight loss is stressful to the body, it will undermine the health of all its systems. It is better to lose weight slowly but profitably. Besides consuming seeds for weight loss can feel not only a gradual weight loss but also beneficial effects on the body.