Among the many ways of cooking salted cucumber one – dry Ambassador. This is a great way to cook salted cucumbers quickly.

In the composition of the recipe:

  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon without slides;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • garlic – 2-4 cloves.

Cucumbers to prepare this recipe it is better to choose small and definitely pimples. This suggests that the variety zasolochny, not salad. Have clean washed cucumbers need to cut off the ends, then place the cucumbers in a sturdy plastic bag. You can attach one package to another for reliability. There also send chopped garlic, salt and chopped dill. Package it is hard to tie and shake to evenly distribute spices.

Then put a package of pickles in the fridge for 5-7 hours. During this time, you need some time to shake the bag and do not forget to taste because the pickles can get ready before. With prepared cucumbers to remove excess salt and to start the meal.

To make the salted cucumbers in the package even faster, they need to be cut into slices or circles. Then the time salting will be reduced to 20 minutes.

Another option is to make salted cucumbers in the package – to the above ingredients add the herbs and various spices (to taste). It can be sweet-scented pepper, cloves, root or leaf of horseradish, cherry and currant leaves, and Basil.

The process of pickling the same, but the package with cucumbers leave at room temperature for 3-5 hours. Store ready salted cucumbers in the refrigerator better.

Is there a way to make salted cucumbers in the package more spicy. On 1 kg of cucumbers in the package need to add 1 tbsp of vegetable oil, 0,5 tablespoons of vinegar, half a teaspoon of sugar.

If the same spices add the dry mustard, the taste of a pickle is another, more refined. Only two or three teaspoons of mustard will make a perfect ensemble with the other spices. All of this company along with the cucumbers should be placed in the package, tie a couple of times to shake and an hour later you can taste the finished pickles.

There is one day a year when you have to make salted cucumbers in the package anyway, to give this vegetable a special attention. It is a Day of cucumber, which is celebrated annually on July 27. This is one of the oldest vegetables in the world and the most beloved in Russia. In addition, it is salted cucumbers contain fiber, which promotes blood circulation in the vessels. Cucumbers prepared in this way, contribute to a good appetite, reduce stress.

To cook salted cucumbers if you wish, all year round and pamper yourself and your loved ones are crunchy, fragrant, tasty cucumber fantasies.