• Take 1 tsp of peppermint, oregano and fireweed (Ivan tea), pour the mixture 500 ml of boiling water and allow to stand for 5...10 min 1 Cup of the drink get rid of headaches caused by fatigue, high load and weather dependent.
  • Any discomfort in the crown of the head or neck will quickly remove light massage painful areas, made with the use of menthol oil. Good health will come back to you after 5-6 mins as quick relief for a headache will bring and eaten a handful of berries cranberries.
  • A quarter Cup of kalinovoe juice or juice from berries of black currant, drunk on an empty stomach, will relieve the head of any location, raise the spirits and increase the body's resistance.
  • With the General malaise of a catarrhal nature, and headache, provoked by natural physiological processes of the body, the good stuff – mulled wine. 100 ml of red wine 80 g take a Linden or buckwheat honey, 3 cloves, a cinnamon stick and 10 g coriander, bring to the boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and drink without giving the drink to cool down.
  • To relieve headaches hypotensive, people with low blood pressure - recommended coffee with cognac or 30-50 grams of black chocolate.
  • A good remedy for aches in my temples - raw potatoes. Take the tuber of medium size, wash, peel, grate and mix with a tablespoon of honey, eat.
  • If the pain in your head caused by the effects of yesterday's carouse, essential glass of iced tea with 20 drops of mint alcohol. Acts in the same way and dissolved in 100 ml of water 1 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar. This tool will bring clarity of thoughts, will add energy and relieve hangover. In order to avoid tense moments, try before you libation to enjoy a Cup of well-brewed tea with mint. The mood will be wonderful and trouble in the form of headaches you pass by.
  • If it's a migraine from a long work at the computer, try to have a little break: turn off the lights, open the window, lie on your back and look up at the ceiling, blinking often. Also help are cold compresses: a napkin laying on the ice, roll it into a bundle and attach for 10 min. to the eyes.
  • Favorable effects of a headache is having a warm bath: add 500-700 g common salt or briquette of coniferous extract – the disease will go. Amazing effect and has the 1-minute bath for the feet. When cold water touches your skin, blood pours from the brain and feel better.
  • Impact on certain areas of the body is called acupuncture. For pain in the back of the head shows a rhythmic pressing with fingers on the symmetrical point at the base of the neck (on both sides of the spine). Pain in the frontal – easy simultaneous massaging his temples. When dizziness is a strong, but short-term pressure of the middle finger just above the nose. If the headache is caused by fatigue, you need to hold the right hand little finger and tip of thumb quite significantly to put pressure on the place the fold of the upper phalanges.
  • One of the best ways to relieve headaches – adjusting breathing. Take three deep breaths and exhale, and then 10 seconds of not breathing, the condition normalizes after seven such cycles.