A healthy woman of childbearing age can become pregnant quickly after the rejection of reception of contraceptives. For several months all of the functions of the reproductive system is restored and the body is ready for conceiving, carrying a pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. It was at this time in women questions arise:

- does not affect whether the contraceptive drugs on the reproductive system?

- how harmful hormone pills for the health of the unborn child?

- how to prepare body for pregnancy after stopping pills?

The answers to these questions will help every woman safely plan a pregnancy and eventually the joy of motherhood.

The effect of hormonal drugs on women's health

The principle impact of the pill on a woman's body is directed to the inhibition of ovarian function, as a result temporarily stops the process of ovulation. After cancellation of hormonal therapy, reproductive organs begin to work more intensively. That is why gynecologists often prescribe contraceptive drugs to women who can't for a long time to get pregnant. After 3-4 months of "rest" previously disturbed functions of the internal reproductive organs are fully recovered.

To take hormonal drugs only after examination by a gynecologist. The pills without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences.

Conception after discontinuation of birth control pills

In parallel with the question of how to get pregnant quickly must be a question of how to stay healthy and bear a healthy child. While oral contraceptives do not forget about the General condition of the body. After discontinuation of the hormonal drugs safely to become pregnant, you need to follow certain guidelines like while taking contraceptives, and after.

Useful tips for women wanting to get pregnant fast after taking hormonal tablets

1. Be sure to follow the rules of the hormonal drugs from the first to the last pill. Any unauthorized violation schedule appointment can cause severe pain, excessive bleeding, failure of the menstrual cycle, hormonal balance in the body.

2. After discontinuation of drugs for a complete examination of the body. Sometimes changes in hormonal balance, activate latent disease, that may be a barrier to conception. Special attention should be paid to the level of the immune system, inspect in the inner genitals of different kinds of neoplasms, tumors, and undergo a mammogram.

3. Do not try to get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control pills. It is best to plan pregnancy after 3-4 months. You need to give your body time to recover General hormonal background, the normal rhythm of the menstrual cycle and all the functions of the reproductive organs. If conception occurred before, nothing wrong with that. Modern birth control hormones do not carry any danger for the normal development of the fetus.

4. Take vitamins, eliminate from the diet of harmful foods and, of course, to renounce all bad habits.

When easier to get pregnant

How quickly can occur pregnancy depends on such factors as the biological age of women, health status and duration of birth control pills.

Easiest to become pregnant, a young woman aged 18-25 years who took the drugs less than a year. In this case, after stopping, the reproductive system is restored in the first month. In women aged 26-34 years, the restoration of the menstrual cycle can last from six months to a year. After 35 years in restoring the functionality of the reproductive organs may need more time.

If after taking birth control pills has been more than six months, and the cycle has not recovered, you need to seek the advice of a gynecologist. In rare cases, the intake of hormonal contraceptive drugs may cause infertility that can be cured at an early stage.