You will need
- powder "Estimate";
- - boiled water;
- - disposable syringe without needle;
- - Terry towel.
Drug - drug, eliminating diarrhea, normalize the stomach and intestines. It is non-toxic and easily excreted from the body. The medicine is available in powder form, packaged in sachets triggermode. Before you give the "Smectite" kitten, dilute it with water, turning into a liquid emulsion. If the physician did not otherwise stated, dilute with Practica of the drug in a quarter Cup of lukewarm boiled water. Stir to ensure homogeneity of the solution.

Liquid medications to cats give with the help of a disposable syringe without a needle. Hold the syringe in the average size, type solution "Smecta". Release the air from the syringe. All these actions do in advance, so the whole process took less time and did not bring additional excitement to the kitten.

Take the kitten, wrap it in a towel so that the outside remained only the head. The kitten will to resist so secure the body somewhere safe. Insert the tip of the syringe into the mouth of a kitten from the side, where no teeth. For this you don't even need to open the jaws of the animal – just Unscrew the upper lip. Try not to scratch the mucosa.

Smooth pressing the plunger of the syringe to inject into the jaws of a kitty medicine. At one time it is possible to give about 2 ml of the drug. Make sure that the baby has not turned his head, and the emulsion resulted. Gently squeeze the jaws of the animal and lift its head. Wait until the kitten will swallow.

If the medicine is poured out, then try again. Drug is non-toxic and a small overdose of the animal is not hurt. After completing the procedure, release kitty, give him the opportunity to wash. In the process, he sliznet with wool remnants of medication.

Repeat the procedure every two to three hours. The treatment is preferably combined with diet hours do not give the kitten food, but don't limit it to drink. After 6-8 hours usually see an improvement. If diarrhea continues, contact your veterinarian, he may prescribe other treatment.