Ointment psoriasis based grease

Grease is a derivative of oil refining. In combination with various medicinal components, grease has on the skin a positive impact, helps eliminate psoriatic plaques. There are several ointments on the basis of the grease.

"Kartalin". The composition of this ointment, in addition to grease are: salicylic acid, vitamins A, D, eucalyptus, lavender oil, chamomile, Bur marigold, lysozyme. The tool is a homogeneous dense mass with a specific smell, due to the combination of components has a regenerative effect on the skin, helps to eliminate from the surface psoriatic plaque effectively fights inflammation.

"Antispam". This herbal product combines the therapeutic properties of grease and far East herbs. The ointment also contains chitin and Pacific shellfish extracts. The tool has a slight analgesic effect, promotes tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation of the skin. Chitin is known as a safe natural antiseptic extracts of shellfish are rich in vitamins A, B, E, PP and beneficial for the skin with microelements.

"Magnepan". Treatment of psoriasis based grease, Dead sea salts, essential oils of various plants. There are several varieties of the ointment ("Magnetar-M", "Magnetar"), in its composition, in addition to soliderboy basis, may include components such as tea tree oil, extracts of burdock root, sea buckthorn, pumpkins. The product has a viscous consistency, has anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect, soothes the skin.

"Antipsorics". It's an ointment-based grease and extracts of medicinal plants. In the composition of the drug are detected in extracts of celandine, calendula, Bidens tripartite, mineral oil, camphor, yellow wax, linseed oil, lanolin. Its regular use helps eliminate skin surface psoriatic plaques, has a regenerative effect, eliminates inflammatory processes.

The use of ointments based grease for psoriasis

Before the direct application of ointments with grease for psoriasis you first need to take a warm shower as the water helps soften psoriatic plaques, washes away the skin surface dirt and dust. After bathing, when the skin gets dry, need to apply medication in a thin layer on the affected areas of the body and gently massage.

In the early days of applying the ointment may increase the itching. The remedy should be applied on the skin regularly 2-3 times a day for 2-4 months. The result of this treatment are visible after 1-2 weeks from the time of initiation of therapy.

In the first stage of treatment psoriaznae times begin to peel and dry, then go from the skin, leaving noticeable red spots, disappearing with time. After full removal of symptoms of psoriasis is necessary to continue using the ointment for another 4 weeks to fix the result.

Contraindications to the use of ointments with grease

Part of ointments on the basis of the grease is composed of safe ingredients. Such medicines are non-toxic in most cases do not cause allergic reactions, their use is rarely accompanied by side effects. However, the use of solijonovich ointments from psoriasis still has some limitations.

These funds are contraindicated if you are hypersensitive to specific components of pregnancy treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Alcohol and fatty foods contributes to a decrease in therapeutic effect.