Characteristic of salicylic alcohol

This tool is effectively used in case of local infection of the subcutaneous tissue and skin of different etiology (syndrome staphylococcal lesions of the skin, which have the appearance of blisters similar to burn).

Salicylic alcohol refers to a dermotropic anti-fungal drugs topical application. The main active ingredient of this tool is orthoxylene acid, which is a colorless small crystals of white color with no odor and soluble in hot water, ether or alcohol. This substance contains significant quantities in salicin (bark of the poplar and weeping willow) and it is often used as antipyretic.

The scope of application of the drug

Salicylic alcohol (as with all external products) is applied solely on the affected area of the skin. It is recommended to use the ordinary acne, various infectious skin lesions (ihtisab, chronic eczema, psoriasis, dyskeratosis), calluses, contact dermatitis and warts. It is also used for burns and skin diseases such as excessive sweating. On the skin surface alcohol should be applied with a cotton swab or drive 2 to 3 times during the day. This tool can be used as main and also as one of the components in the complex treatment.

The alcoholic solution of this acid has an exfoliating effect. It helps soften the top layers of skin and fat tubes in the pores and follicles, thereby preventing the formation of comedones. It must be remembered that the tool is addictive, so after 2 months you need to take a break (2 weeks).

This tool is not supposed to apply to people who have hypersensitivity to its components. The popularity of the drug not only due to its high efficiency, but the availability and lack of age restrictions. During pregnancy and lactation can also apply salicylic alcohol with almost no restrictions.

Side effects are observed very rarely and is expressed by local reactions in the form of weak burning and itching. Occasionally there are skin rashes, disappearing instantly after you stop using the drug. This drug does not lose its medicinal properties for 3 years if it is properly stored (in a tightly sealed container in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 20oC).