In most cases, this disease takes place during the week. Note, however, that full recovery depends on the forms of stomatitis, the severity of the lesion, presence of accompanying diseases. In addition, it takes into account the presence of bright systemic symptoms, namely fever, headache and chills. In addition, the important factor is timely access to a specialist and the appointment of adequate treatment. Consequently, curative therapy of the disease is in its advanced stage will require a longer time period. Basically, a severe form of the disease can be cured in ten days.

The treatment of stomatitis is a common oral rinse and antiseptic preparations and decoctions of medicinal herbs. If necessary, shows the use of antipyretics and antihistamine drugs. For quick healing of ulcers apply vitamins C and P, a solution of citral and medicine, consisting of propolis. In viral etiology of the disease in a mandatory assigned the carrying out of antiviral therapy. During the period of treatment plays an important role proper nutrition. From the diet should avoid spicy, hard, hot and sour to reduce the irritating effect on the mucous.

What is the diagnosis of stomatitis

As a rule, the correct diagnosis is sufficient definition of the clinical picture of the disease, subjective complaints of the patient, as well as his thorough examination by the dentist. However, in some cases resorting to special laboratory examinations, including PCR diagnosis of the presence of candidiasis and herpes, biochemical and General blood tests, smears or cultures of scrapings, luminous study, the implementation of Allergy tests. In that case, if stomatitis is not amenable to curative treatment, it is recommended to pass a General examination to identify of systemic diseases are the main cause of stomatitis.

What are the symptoms of stomatitis

The main features indicative of the development of stomatitis include: appearance on the mucous membrane of the mouth painful elements with a diameter of from one to five millimeters, hypersensitivity of the tongue, bad breath, presence of pain and discomfort during eating or talking, excessive salivation, redness of certain areas or throughout the mouth area. In addition, the patient may experience a significant increase in body temperature.