This question is asked by everyone who has lost a loved one: child, husband, mother, father, sister. The answer can't be found, but you need to gain strength and to live, because those who leave their loved ones forever, don't want them constantly crying and stirs his wound.

Where goes the soul of a loved one after death?

No matter what age loved person go, you have to understand that he went to a better world, eternal life, to God. After physical death does not end life, the soul finds peace and tranquility.

The expression "God takes only the best" often can be heard after death in the same way as complaints that leave only good people, scoundrels, rascals, and murderers live. In fact, all die, but when leaving the native people, the ground was slipping from under his feet, and to live after his death impossible.

After the loss, many are thinking not only about what is happening with a loved one after death, but also about their feelings and experiences. Life stops, it becomes gray and faceless. The man who lost close, turns into a shadow, ceases to plan for the future, eating, drinking, living only memories and the question why death takes away the most expensive and loved ones never leaves you for a minute.

How to survive the death of a loved one?

The death of a loved one is a crisis that needs to survive. Passing the test, we become stronger and grow spiritually. After parting with your beloved you need to gradually get out of depression, learning to live not with memories but to the future and believe that the best is yet to come.

Memories and tears for the first time will not live, this is a normal reaction after a loss. But we cannot allow this period was too long. Go to another world, when it comes time to return anything. Permanent memories you hold close to the soul of the person next to you, she suffers, is tormented and unable to find eternal rest.

It is impossible to forget loved ones, who had gone to another world, but you need to change your way of life, objectives and goals. Watch for them, analyze their behavior, in any case, don't close yourself from the outside world, share your emotions and experiences, find people who need your help.

Why death takes away loved ones? How to deal with it and move on? Where they go and why? Every man needs to answer these questions and to learn to live without family and loved ones.