A smear from the pharynx is indicated for suspected diphtheria, pertussis, angina, and also to identify carriers of Staphylococcus aureus. With this analysis it is possible to detect the Streptococcus, Bacillus diphtheria, pneumococci, yeast-like fungi and some other pathogens.
Before the fence material is not within 2 hours of taking food, drugs, drink and brush your teeth. Better to take the test in the morning on an empty stomach. It is necessary to clean the nasal passages from accumulations of mucus. Failure to comply with prior training before taking a smear from the pharynx to the microflora can cause inaccurate test results.
Smear from throat taken in the following manner: the patient widely opens his mouth, the medic gently presses spatula, the back of the tongue, then a sterile swab holding fast the mucosa of the tonsils, the back wall of the Palatine arches and pharynx. Then a cotton swab placed in a sterile vial and sent to a bacteriological laboratory.
After taking a smear from the pharynx in the bacteriological laboratory is carried out subsequent seeding content on a special nutrient medium for growth of bacteria. Then spend the identification of pathogens was found using the microscope, determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. The result of the analysis allows the doctor to determine further tactics of treatment.
Normal part of the microflora of the pharynx is composed of epidermal Staphylococcus aureus, viridans strep, small amount of fungus Candida and nebulisator pneumococci and Neisseria. When analyzing smears for microflora of the pharynx can be identified the following pathogens: pertussis fungi Candida albicans, pathogens of diphtheria (Bacillus Leffler), β-hemolytic Streptococcus group A.
Streptococcus, cause a significant number of diseases belong to the group A (pyogenic). Such throat infections are quite common. Streptococcal sore throat is mild, asymptomatic, and severe with increasing temperature. Smear from pharynx on eosinophils take to confirm or exclude the allergic nature of the disease. Eosinophils are white blood cells that participate in allergic reactions. Analysis of the fungi doing to identify agranulocytosis, bronchial asthma with prevailing allergic component.