Adult women hot rolling of waves is most often associated with age-related changes in hormonal levels, while more young girls feeling the heat provokes pregnancy or beginning to ovulate. During menopause or fever and congestion may be accompanied by irritability or panic - this is due to lack of estrogen, which produce less fading ovaries. In addition, menopause entails different autonomic disorders, increase blood pressure, which also contributes to the feeling of heat.
Also, the reason you feel the heat can be a problem with the thyroid gland – namely, Hyper - and hypothyreosis caused by a deficiency of hormones of this gland. In addition, it often causes vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which irregular blood pressure control adrenaline and acetylcholine. When the heat of adrenaline a person feels a hot wave in the heart region and chest, becomes aggressive and irritable, whereas the acetylcholine – dwells within apathetic and passive mood. Also a sensation of intense heat may indicate a stroke.
If the heat throws one every few months, not to worry – stress, fatigue, hormonal surges and other factors may cause a similar condition. But for systematic hot flashes in the absence menopause, you should pay close attention, because the body can thus give the owner a danger signal that should not be ignored in order to avoid the development of chronic problems.
During menopause from the tides can be eliminated by using estrogen drugs. In pregnancy, the heat it is to endure – after delivery the hormones will return to normal. Hypertensive patients should monitor blood pressure and time to reduce it, whereas people with vascular dystonia should choose a lifestyle that will protect them from deterioration. Well, it is very important to be protected from the constant stress and physical overload, because they start many chronic diseases.