Designers universals do not exist. There are a lot of areas, most of which are not in common between them. Landscape designer is unlikely to give a decent job in web-design, and Vice versa. So, if you decided to learn this profession, you first have to define the main direction.
One of the main advantages of the designer lies in the fact that it does not have to be in the office: it can work at home and in cafes, and even in the Park. Because errors in design are rarely fatal, they can be easily corrected. In addition, the designer immediately sees the result of their work, and can get aesthetic pleasure from the process.
Disadvantages are also present. First, it is a lot of competition. With the development of freelancing companies are increasingly turning to independent designers, and they are very, very much. Second, there are serious limitations in terms of money, time and even imagination. Customers often make rigorous the statement of work (technical task), in which we have to work.
Choosing the profession of a designer, you need to remember that this is a complicated and laborious work. Just go and start drawing is unlikely to succeed. For a start you must at least learn how to run the basic programs. In addition, you need to constantly learn the theory, see the work of other professionals and improve their skills. Freelancers have to work with clients and a lot of time to spend on portfolio.
It is noteworthy that it is possible to become a designer without professional training, but this is not for all areas. The most famous Russian universities in this environment are: the Institute of contemporary art, Moscow international design school and the Moscow University of design and technology. In addition to basic training, you will probably have to undergo additional.
The profit depends on direction of work, professionalism of the designer, employer and market positioning. On average, newcomers in the field of freelancing get 10-15 thousand rubles a month. Then, as new clients and experiences this figure is growing.
Designers in offices receive an average of 20-25 thousand rubles a month. But here a crucial role is played by the size of the company. So, in small firms, a specialist in this area can get much less. Keep in mind that to get into a big company is not very easy, especially if you have no experience.