Medicinal properties of nettle
The chemical composition of the stinging nettle contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, tannins, chlorophyll, carotene, glycosides. Nettle helps to restore the hematopoietic system, has anti-inflammatory, immunotropic, antipruritic, choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic effect. In the use of herbal teas and water extracts of nettle can normalize metabolism, get rid of anemia caused by iron deficiency.
The roots of nettle are used in the form of infusions, decoctions and infusions for the treatment of gastro-intestinal tract, diarrhoea, dysentery, helminthiasis, furunculosis, tuberculosis, rheumatism.
Dry extract of nettle leaves is part of the drug Allohol". The liquid extract is used in renal, uterine, intestinal, gastric, pulmonary bleedings. In addition, with rickets, nephritis, epilepsy, hysteria, paralysis, colitis, enterocolitis, polymenorrhea, jaundice, diabetes of the second type in the combined therapy used a decoction of nettle.
Fresh leaves, dry crushed powder, boiled water, used for the treatment of acne, fistulas and other diseases of the skin, in which disrupted the integrity of the epidermis.
Breastfeeding women can use nettle as a lactogenic tools to simulate milk production.
Inflorescence effective in nettle fever, kidney disease, rheumatism, as anti-malaria treatment. Seeds are used in decoctions for the treatment of insomnia, dysentery, helminthiasis.
How to prepare a decoction, infusion and tincture of nettle
To prepare the broth pour 100 g of fresh leaves, roots, or two tablespoons of crushed dry raw 300 mg of boiling water, keep on water bath for 20 minutes. Cool, strain, bring the volume of broth up to 300 mg using cold boiled water. Use a third Cup 4 times a day on an empty stomach.
For infusion, use the same amount of nettle as in the preparation of broth. But the only difference lies in the fact that it is not necessary to keep the solution in a water bath. Enough to insist the mixture in a thermos for one hour, strain and take one third of a Cup 4 times a day on an empty stomach.
To prepare a tincture, you can use the seeds, buds, roots or leaves. Two hundred grams of dry or 400 grams of fresh raw materials, pour one liter of rubbing alcohol. Soak in a cool dark place for 1 month, strain. Take 40 drops four times a day. Pre-dilute the tincture in 100 mg of water.