About tangerine tree

Citrus fruits belong to the Rutaceae family and are divided into 7 subfamilies. Mandarin - from the subfamily Pomerantseva. Vegetation most citrus fruits begins in the usual Central Russia time - in late April or early may. In the Mandarin starts friendly and powerful growth of shoots with young leaves. Old, dark foliage on branches that grew previously, is preserved, like all evergreen trees. Tangerines have the lifetime of the list - 2 years, so the growth of new leaves and branches accompanied by a massive two-year defoliation of the leaves. Falling leaves in tangerine groves stretched from spring to mid-summer, fading gradually.

The young shoots are growing stronger, and leaves them darker, Mandarin begins to bloom. This happens at the end of may and the first half of June. The flower petals pink and white and very fleshy, once the tangerines begin to wither, the soil under the trees covered with them. After flowering is over, a second wave of growth of the shoots. Them rises less than in the spring, and they are formed mainly in the crown.

On the ensuing maturation of the fruit takes several months. Sometimes the ovaries produced a lot, and in June-July, half of them fall off. To regulate fruiting, flowering period trying to cut off the excess of the ovary, which only Deplete a tree. This is a very laborious process, but the quality of the crop it affects the best way.

Tangerines ripen in autumn. The fruits are edible in October, but at this time they are still very acidic. Full maturation occurs from mid-November to late December in some varieties. After harvest tangerine trees continue growing season, not dropping leaves. In the winter months tangerine groves comes a brief period of rest.

Tangerines new crop in stores

All the heat-loving citrus fruit, and tangerine in this respect - the most unpretentious of the family. Ripening the fruit of the tree is also smaller than oranges, lemons and grapefruits. Mandarin is grown in the republics of Central Asia and the former Soviet Union - in Abkhazia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Many varieties of Chinese tangerines and many other citrus fruits never displayed in the middle lane, and those who were not in China, not even know about their existence. For example, very few know about the existence of red lemons.

For the most part, the implementation of the fall all Turkish tangerines. This citrus fruit medium size, bright yellow and fragrant, to bring them starting sometimes in mid-November. First they are a bit unripe and sour taste, but it can delegate a few days at home and then become sweet. No way to distinguish the Turkish from the Abkhazian tangerines that taste sweeter and softer. They are removed from the trees and bring more Mature than Turkish. In the markets very often give Turkish mandarins for the Abkhaz, but a real opportunity to meet them does not appear before December, when they ripen at home.

The bright orange color of oranges "clementines", which is imported from Morocco, appear in stores until the end of December. These mandarins are very fragrant and the price is always more expensive than Turkish, but in size larger.

The most juicy, sweet and large tangerines appear only for the New year. They are bright orange and bring them from Spain.