Size. Orange always has a greater size than Mandarin. However, in recent time you can see a large tangerines, typically is a citrus fruit grown in Turkey and Abkhazia. In diameter they can reach 7.5 cm, whereas regular tangerines have a diameter of from 4 to 6 cm, However, to distinguish major from Mandarin orangeand slightly flattened shape.
Form. Orange always round (or slightly elongated at the top), the Mandarin, in contrast, is flattened from top to bottom. That is, the width of the Mandarin is always greater than the height.
Color. Orange – orange, this Mandarin – bright yellow. But most hybrids have an intense orange color.
Skin. Have the orangeand it is more thick and dense than Mandarin. Clear orange is much more difficult than Mandarin, because the peel is tight to the pulp. From tangerine , she is thin, easily separated from the meat. (if separated bad, so Mandarin was plucked unripe). Sometimes even between the peel and slices of Mandarin there is an air layer, this fruit can clear in one go.
If you bite and peel the orangeand you will feel the bitterness and burning sensation on the lips and mouth. Tangerine peel of such feelings is not is slightly.
Aroma. Have a tangerine flavor is more pronounced than orange. It is no coincidence he virtually all people, both children and adults associated with New Year (ie the aroma is memorable). Orange, alas, such associations is not, although its aroma is fresh and pleasant.
Pulp. Slices of orangeand divide much more difficult than Mandarin. The latter, they sometimes separate from each other in the process of cleaning from the skin.
Taste. The Mandarin always has a sweet taste than an orange. In orangeoriented lobules is much more acid.
Bones. The pulp of the orangeand there are always seeds in this Mandarinx bones do not exist.