You will need
  • Shovel, rope, fertilizer.
Select a suitable site for transplanting shrubs. It needs to be Flavobacterium, fertile and be in the penumbra. The soil should be acidic or neutral, but in any case not saline. Before planting, clear the area of perennial weeds, roots of trees, stones. Smooth the surface with a rake.
A month before transplanting the soil is desirable to improve phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (90-100 g/sq m). If the soil is clay, it is necessary to add sand and peat (15-20 kg/ sq. m), peaty sand and clay (15 kg/sq. m), sandy - loam and peat (5 kg/sq m), sour - lime (150-200 g/sq m).
With a spade dig a planting hole with a minimum width of 50 cm and a depth of 25-30 cm Distance between them should be 3-4 meters. Pour them into humus, a mixture of fertile land, peat, ash. Do not use fresh manure, since with him there is a risk to bring in weed seeds.
Transplanted shrub wrap the rope to collect all the branches together, but gently so as not to damage the plant. At 30 cm distance podkopat a shovel around the Bush to a depth of approximate location of the root ball. Gently remove the plant and move into the prepared hole.
Fill the pit with soil and sprinkle that around the plants and place the peat. As did with all the other snowball bushes.
If you want to transplant a fruiting shrub, it can be done both in spring and autumn. Special training is not required to transplant the bushes under the age of 5 years. On the site dig a hole 60 cm wide and 50 cm deep, fertile, add the mixture and transplant the Bush. Plants older than 5 years before transplantation should be cut at a height of 50 cm from the soil. And this plant will be a long time to settle down, not giving a full harvest.
Then watered the transplanted bushes are required weekly and are very abundant. So that water penetrated to a depth of 50 cm is Better spent watering in the evening. In dry periods and during periods of flowering, growth of shoots and ovaries need to water the plant at 1 m row of the circle, using up to 40 gallons of water.
In mid-June, preferably do a second feeding of the transplanted plant: 70 g of complex fertilizer on the Bush or use 1 m 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of double superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt.