Foods that cause constipation

Fast food and convenience food when consumed frequently cause constipation and do not contribute to a healthy digestive tract. Such food include: fast food, purchase frozen foods – burgers, dumplings, pancakes, etc., loved by many pizza, burgers, hot dogs. This can be attributed to snacking on muffins sandwiches.

In the fast food usually contains poor quality products and lots of harmful fillers and additives, very little fiber. Therefore, this food is poorly digested, dehydrates the body and lingers in the intestines, causing constipation.

Pastries and sweets: sweet and fatty cakes from the highest grades of flour, candy and chocolate, especially milk and sugar. These products has no fiber and fiber. Therefore, the peristalsis of the intestine, with abundant use of this kind of food without vegetables, fruits and soups, freezes, and stool remains in the intestine.

Meat - veal, beef and pork if consumed without fiber (vegetables, greens and fruit) also causes painful constipation. Even worse, when the meat is combined with grains, potatoes and pasta. The intestine is very difficult to digest together such different and heavy products. Which, naturally, leads to constipation.

Fatty foods also contribute to the emergence of constipation, particularly after 30. Cooking in deep fat (frying in oil), fatty smoked sausage, lard, cakes and pastries with butter cream slows digestion.

Milk and dairy products also contribute to the emergence of constipation. In milk, curd and cheese a lot of fat and no dietary fiber, which increases peristalsis. In addition to the cases of lactose intolerance when drinking milk causes diarrhea.

One of the main causes of constipation is simple dehydration. Therefore, from the strong coffee and tea should be abandoned, or drink them in minimal quantities. The caffeine in these drinks leads to loss of fluid. The same applies to pickles and marinades, sprinkled with salt foods and use flavor enhancer – glutamate nartia.

Healthy diet for constipation

If constipation is a frequent phenomenon for you, reassess your diet and eliminate or limit foods that contribute to the emergence of this problem. In addition, start entering in your daily menu those foods that contribute to increased peristalsis of the bowels and good digestion.

First and foremost – is a food rich in fiber – vegetables and fruits: carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, greens, apples, apricots, plums. It is the diet rich in fiber and fiber will make your bowel lazy to run faster.

Dairy products contribute to the normalization of intestinal flora, which leads its work in a normal condition. To do this, eat live yoghurt, biokefir, Bifidok, and. Also for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract drink a day to 1.5 x litres of clean water to prevent dehydration.