You will need
  • - special literature;
  • - an experienced mentor;
  • - regular practice;
  • school yoga;
  • - the Internet.
Start with the development of the theoretical framework. Yoga is not just a set of physical exercises. Each asana has a meaning, their sequence, usually well thought out and aimed at solving different purposes. In addition, the philosophical and mental elements are not less important for successful practice. Don't read too simple literature, even if taking the first steps in this art. Pay attention to authors such as Swami Sivananda, Nina Mel, B. K. S. Eigener, David Swenson.
Find a good mentor. Before lessons, collect about this person as much information as possible. Important achievements, the school is standing behind him, participation in various seminars and, of course, customer reviews. If you are new to yoga, you can start first to do group work. However, for a deeper dive you can not do without private lessons, during which the mentor will monitor your equipment, comment on and explain the inexplicable. Keep in mind that a number of major international schools yoga instructors will not even admit you to their course, if you do not have recommendations from respected in the narrow circles of the teacher.
Regularly practise yoga on their own, immersing himself in each asana for their feelings. In order to become an instructor, it takes several years of practice. Unlike other areas, for example, power of fitness, yoga is almost impossible to achieve quick results. On the contrary, if you started once inflexible and incapable man, in 2-3 years you have the chance to achieve tremendous progress.
Find a decent school of yoga. Speak a foreign language - feel free to go abroad: knowledge obtained there will be much more complete. Of course, in large Russian cities you can pass the training and receive a diploma entitling them to work. However, to Polish their skills better in other countries. Traditionally in this direction leading to India, where you can open up entirely new facets of yoga, as well as the USA, where the popularity of this art in recent years, without exaggeration, surpasses.
Nanite to recruit his own students. If you have the opportunity to work or practice in any club, it's too bad. But still much better that people walked purposefully towards you. Create a business card in the Internet, promote their services in social networks, record videos with asanas and bundles and place them on popular video channels. Fight for each client and for the nice reviews about you.