Using this procedure, you can remove the hair on legs. This method is not long term, the maximum term of getting rid of them a month. But after each treatment you will notice how the hair is softer and more rare, they will become worse to grow.
Waxing – a painful operation, which should be trusted only to professionals working in the beauty parlor. If you do waxing every month, you can get rid of most unwanted hair.
How is the procedure? On legs beautician gets the hot wax, after the medium hardens, it is removed along with the hair. Hair removal is done quickly – in about 15-30 minutes.
Epilation is another method of removing unwanted hair. The hair pigment absorbs the light. As a result destroys the hair bulb. In order to achieve this, we need some more time to visit the beautician and undergo the unpleasant procedure. Photoepilation has contraindications:
- any disease of the skin;
- diabetes mellitus;
- varicose veins;
- infectious diseases.
To get rid of unwanted hair using electrolysis. Electrical impulses affect the hair, which, in turn, are damaged and no longer grow. The procedure is quite painful, so before you decide on it, you should be ready to unpleasant sensations.
Electrolysis also has contraindications:
- inflammatory processes on the skin;
- infectious, oncological diseases;
- diabetes mellitus;
- pregnancy;
- varicose veins;
- diabetes mellitus;
- epilepsy;
- cardiovascular disease.
Laser hair removal
Light energy affects the hair, after which they are heated, and the destruction of the hair follicles. The laser affects only hair in the growth stage, therefore, to carry out such a procedure is necessary several times.
Elos hair removal
Elos-epilation is another method of getting rid of unwanted hair on the legs. He appeared relatively recently. This method affects the bulb light and current. Today, Elos hair removal is the most painless and effective procedure to rid of hair. To visit the beauty parlor will have at least five times. Only then are you guaranteed to get rid of unwanted hair permanently.