Ice cream

In a saucepan, add 1 liter of milk, put on fire and immediately add to it 100 grams of butter. Bring mixture to a boil and leave alone while we do the following. Next, mix 2 cups sugar with 1 teaspoon of starch. Add the 4 yolks and mix thoroughly. Add the milk to our mix. Then to the mixture, which we prepared in the beginning, gradually add the resulting mass. Give the mixture again to boil, remove from heat. Then give it to cool, and poured into molds. Put into the fridge.

Ice cream with the taste of apples

Take 1 kg of apples and cut them. Then fill with boiling water, cover with a lid. Then, when the apples are cool, grate them on a coarse grater and add juice of lemon, powdered sugar. Carefully stir the mass and lay on the molds for freezing.

Ice cream with yogurt

The name of this recipe sounds delicious and unreal, and just being prepared. Take yogurt with the taste you like and put a special wand. Next, put in the freezer for a couple of hours. After which it you need to get, mix consistency and again for 2 hours in the camera. And so repeat until the yogurt freezes to the end.

Coffee ice cream

To prepare coffee ice cream, take 4 egg yolks, 200 grams sugar, 2 cups coffee and 2 tablespoons of milk. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and after cooling is poured into moulds and put into the fridge for freezing.