You will need
    • 200 ml cream
    • 3 egg yolks
    • 200 ml of milk
    • 150 g sugar
    • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
Cream for making ice cream need to take bold and fresh.
How to make ice cream in home conditions? Pour into a saucepan the milk, with continuous stirring, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cool to 40°C.
Mix the egg yolks with plain and vanilla sugar, whisk the mass with a mixer until the disappearance of grains, while the egg yolks have slightly increased in volume, and brighten.
Continue beating the yolks, pour them in a thin stream of warm milk. Put a bowl of egg-milk mass in a water bath. Heat until until the mixture begins to thicken. Put the resulting cream in the fridge.
In a clean bowl, whip the cream until soft peaks form, please enter cream spoon for spoon in the cooled cream.
Put ice cream in a deep large container, cover, put in freezer for 3-4 hours. The temperature in the freezer does not exceed -18°C.
Remove ice-cream, whip it with a mixer or mash well with a fork to break up crystals formed of ice, put frozen on. Uzivanie procedure can be repeated 2 or 3 times. The better you whisk the ice cream, the more gentle consistency they get.
When serving, sprinkle with balls of ice cream with nuts and chocolate, pour over the syrup. Prepare ice cream in home conditions is not difficult.