Features of vacuum massage banks in the period of breastfeeding

Massage vacuum banks, nursing mothers can be done not earlier than 7 weeks after birth. This procedure is contraindicated for women with sensitive skin and skin prone to bruising. You cannot perform this massage for colds, inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, recurrent thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, blood diseases, kidney stones, diseases of the skin, high blood pressure, and pregnant women. During the procedure is contraindicated to massage the Breasts, inner thighs and the area of the popliteal fossa, otherwise you can damage the lymph nodes.

Nursing mothers not recommended for anti-cellulite massage any cream or its components may be absorbed through the skin and into the milk, and when feeding in the baby's body. It is better to apply on the skin olive oil to which you can add scented oils (orange, cypress, etc.). Before the massage is recommended to perform wraps, each procedure allows you to remove up to 1 cm in the waist and hips. Instead of wraps you can take a contrast shower, which prepares the blood vessels to massage and reduce the likelihood of trauma, bruises.
The most convenient to use banks are considered to be of flexible plastic or silicone.

How to massage vacuum banks

To create a vacuum, you need to slightly compress such Bank and place it on the problem area. If discomfort is felt, loosen the grip of the banks. Massage movements on the thighs should only be done from the bottom up. For this first jar is placed a little above the patella, and then slowly lead towards the buttocks. The massage is performed on the outer thighs. Along the hip can be performed not only direct but also vernopodannie movement. The Bank moved along the body slow, straight, zigzag and circular movements. With a sharp and quick movements appears the risk of breaking the flow of lymph, receiving bruises and hemorrhages.
On the buttocks massage is done in circular motions.

Vacuum massage of the abdomen is performed to smooth movements, do them clockwise. A jar need to be rotated carefully, so as not to leave bruises. Through a small pause necessary to repeat the same movements, but in a counterclockwise direction. Each problem area is massaged for 5 to 7 minutes. After the treatment, skin should become red. Massage vacuum banks need to perform regularly, 2-3 times a week. Improve the appearance will be seen after 3-5 sessions. All you need to do no more than 14 treatments, then need a break for a few months. If necessary, the course can be repeated. To save the obtained result it is recommended to do two courses of treatments per year.