Delphiniums are very popular among gardeners. It is densely covered with flowers in the form of bells plants. The flowers have a large, therefore the plant needs support, so he doesn't lay on the ground.

The sun perfectly grow Phlox. Phlox paniculata is a perennial herb of small stature. He stalks thick, with large flowers of different colors. Phlox smells very nice. If after flowering it is cut, then over the summer it will bloom a second time.

Bushy Aster is a groundcover that blooms star-shaped flowers until late autumn.

Heliopsis – perennial, somewhat resembles a sunflower. The flowers have a large, long stored in the plant.

The daylily is a perennial plant with large flowers in the form of stars or bells. It is quite invasive.

Rudbeckia is a very hardy plant, with buds in the shape of daisies. This plant is strong and grows quickly, so needs constant pruning.

Catnip – this plant is a shrub that can be cut to any shape. It blooms with numerous small flowers. Catnip suitable for any beds.

Lavender is a small plant with hairy leaves and fragrant flowers. It is often planted near the curbs due to its bushiness.

Mallow – tall, with numerous flowers of a plant. The flowers have a simple, color is a shade of pink to purple. It is often planted at the end of the area, so they towered above all other flowers.

Useful advice
To extend the flowering perennials you can, if you are after flowering cut them.