Immediately after you are injured, it is recommended to apply the burn special foam. If not at hand, you can use regular mint toothpaste – it will slightly reduce the pain and will not give the skin to crack. You can also use baby ointments for the oral cavity on the basis of lidocaine, if you have no allergies, or to make the cut along the leaf of aloe is cut to the skin. It is not necessary to wash the affected area with cold water – it will only worsen your condition.
Fresh burns should be regularly applied bandage with a greasy ointment to prevent the skin to dry and crack. With such care after the injury will not leave traces, of course, if the burn is not too large and deep.
Stains from old burns can be removed people's ways. For example, the injured place should be two to three times a day, wipe clean with a slice of fresh potato. You can also make potato mush, and apply to the skin. Good help and aloe. Can be applied cut the leaves of plants, and you can squeeze the juice out of it, wet them with a bandage and make a compress. As it dries, the poultice should be changed.
You can also use castor oil or zest and lemon juice – these products have bleaching properties. You can add them to the cream and thickly smeared the affected area, and you can make a special mask. To do this, take butter and beeswax in a ratio of two to one, heat in a water bath, mix a little cool, add the zest and juice of lemon and apply to the skin. The oil will nourish the damaged area, the wax will soften and the lemon will bleach.
The pharmacy can buy ointments for coping with the burn scars. For example, "Contractubex", "Panthenol", "Bepanten", "Panthoderm", "Actovegin", "Syntomycin", "Mederma" and "Solcoseryl". The effect of their application was not noticed immediately, so be patient and regularly use these funds for two to three months.
If to cope with signs or scars from burns fails, consult a dermatologist or a beautician. You will appoint the necessary examination and may direct the procedure, such as laser polishing, rolling or skin grafts.